1·Read about about the causes of diabetes and how to prevent it.
2·Many French people have been sceptical about about the accusations from the start.
3·"That meant we have now about about two generations worth of people who never really engaged that topic," he says.
4·A little more than third of people say taxes about about right, and a little more than a third think they're too high.
5·The research, using data from an annual survey of Brits, included information about about 1,000 people who had been promoted.
6·The research, using data from an annual survey of Brits, included information about about 1, 000 people who had been promoted.
7·I realize that two weeks is the norm, but I also realize that it isn’t written down anywhere. There aren’t any laws about about vacation time.
8·I kind of wanted to know about about veterinary school and how one starts their our practice (other professions fascinate me to no end), but I don't think that's what she wants to talk about.
9·Most people don't realize it, because they're invisible, but microbes make up about a half of the Earth's biomass, whereas all animals only make up about about one one-thousandth of all the biomass.
10·Granted, there are some people who are very switched on, highly intelligent and know a lot about about a lot of different things, but don’t feel you need to be one of them especially if you’re not.